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8 Market shaking facts about “Microsoft acquires Nokia”

Microsoft acquires nokia

The recent PR buzz from Microsoft that published on Tuesday September 03 2013; now has been converted into the sensational headline of techie market.  The giant Microsoft Corp acquires Nokia’s mobile phone business (includes Asha series and the Windows based Nokia Lumia series) in just $7.2 billion including patents.  This transaction is likely to close in the first quarter of 2014 and it is subject to approval by Nokia’s shareholders and regulatory approvals. According to the news resources, Microsoft has accepted to the 10 year non-exclusive license.

According to rumors the most possible reason which leads to this acquisition is Nokia’s financial troubles that started last year. Now Nokia just wishes to focus on its wireless broadband business.

The reason which inspired Microsoft to take such a big step is “To speed up the growth of its share value and to gain better profit in mobile business”.

 Few other market shaking facts about this deal are:

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