Before starting the discussion on Google page rank and Hummingbird, it is very much important to know about search algorithm. Search algorithm is nothing but the technical term for Google’s so called recipe or formula used to sort the right pages from billions that are believed as right answers for the question or search made. This is the basic function of Google. It is common that Google, being one of the world popular search engines, update its search algorithm for better function and results. These updates can put impact on page rankings but not only on page rankings.
Hummingbird – Know it
Hummingbird is the recently introduced or executed search algorithm of Google. It is said that it uses around 200 signals for determining rankings of the page and not the PageRank. That means PageRank is just one among the 200 factors that determine the rankings of the page. Hummingbird looks not only on the Page Rank, but also on several other factors including content, quality links, back links, usage of keywords and more. If you found your website coming down in the Google results after the introduction of Hummingbird, then you have to take some immediate steps to act in accordance with the requirements of Hummingbird.
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Any importance for PageRank
Many website owners and internet experts believe that PageRank has no importance since it has become one among the 200 factors for Hummingbird. But it is wrong. PageRank is one of the most significant factors that Hummingbird considers in delivering the results. Hence you should give importance to PageRank as before. If your PageRank comes down, there is no doubt Hummingbird will give a lower rating for your website. And more over PageRank has no direct relation or impact on quality of the content. Instead, it looks for the numbers of quality links.
Important factors for Humming Bird
It is necessary to have websites with natural, original and relevant links to make the site favorite for Hummingbird. That means the website should have authoritative content and links should come from reliable domains. The home page should provide direct links to the subpages. If your website has poor back links or irrelevant links, it can affect the page rank since Hummingbird doesn’t give importance to these types of links.
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Things to do to improve PageRank
If you feel that your page rank is dropping, here are some of the important things you have to do to keep it as it is or rising.
1. Setup good site architecture: As said quality of foundation determines the strength of your home, your website should have sound architecture to keep everything in accordance with the standards of Hummingbird.
2. Strong Homepage with direct and permanent links to an individual page: This is one of the important factors you have to consider enhancing PageRank. The home page should have a strong impact and should provide direct links to the individual pages without any diverting link.
3. Quick access to important pages: Home pages should provide easy access to important pages from the home page. That is the visitors should reach these pages within two links.
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Google Update on Small Sites or Google Hummingbird in short could
possible be the biggest overhaul done by this giant search engine after
Caffeine update. We all know that the latest google update took place on 21st August 2013 and at that time, Google didn’t break the news which left everyone wondering. You need to worry a lot due to update just do two simple things –
Content do not need to be SEO rich
Rich Quality content is definetly needed.